Certified Professional Midwife

Assisting you in Birth

Birth Center

and Home Birth

We really love

what we do!

Guiding You Through

Pregnancy & Birth

Birth, My Passion

To me, to be "With Women" as they Labor and give birth, is to be there for her. A woman in labor keeps most of her thoughts in her head, not able to express what she wants, needs, or is thinking. When you are with women, with every contraction in active labor, you can instinctively move on her behalf. You can get her that drink before she can ask, or see that glance and know she wants the fan on, or people not to talk. As contractions increase in intensity, I stay a little closer to be ready to squeeze her hips during a contraction, or rub out a muscle spasm, or say a prayer of comfort and encouragement for strength and the tenacity to get it done. I want to be there in those moments to help you gracefully cross that finish line and reap your reward!

I am passionate about Dads being involved in the process as well. I want them to feel a part, they are having a baby too! For them to sometimes be the first one to touch that baby's head and help it be born is an amazing moment in time! They are in Love forever!! The oxytocin released in that moment between mom and dad is incredibly intoxicating! It is a love potion from God that causes that Dad and that Mom to fall in love with their baby and each other all over again! When siblings are at birth, they too fall in love! This is the true beauty of natural, unmedicated, non-interventive , birth.

  • Home Birth
  • Early Pregnancy Classes
  • Childbirth Classes


  • "Terry is a wonderful midwife! She is so loving and caring, such an encouraging presence! The care I received from her and the knowledge she has made for an incredible experience. I truly felt loved, safe, and understood - which to me are very important when you’re sharing a life experience such as having a baby. Terry cares about the whole family as well, praying for us and speaking life into us. There really aren’t enough good things I could say about her and the care she gave us, I am truly grateful to have her be my midwife and even more blessed that I now feel I can call her my friend as well."

    Google Review
    Google Review,
  • "Terry Gyde was my midwife with both pregnancies so far. She started off as a stranger and became a dear friend. She consistently spent an hour with us at each appointment, sometimes longer. It meant a lot to me that she would take the time to explain things well, especially with my first pregnancy. She focuses on nutrition a lot and how important it is to give your body what it needs to grow a baby and prepare for a good birth.

    She has had every type of birth experience with her own births - c-section, epidural, stillbirth, twins, and homebirth. No matter your birth history, she will be able to relate with you on a personal level.

    What I really love is that she was a doula for many years before becoming a midwife. During both my births, she functioned as a doula and midwife. She knew what to suggest to make me more comfortable. She encouraged me. She prayed for me. She stroked my hair and reminded me to relax different parts of my body. She was sensitive to my wishes and the atmosphere that was created. She loves well."

    Google Review
    Google Review,
  • "Now we had everyone we needed there with us: Michael, Mom, Margaret, Jamie, Terry, Rosetta, and Melissa. The next couple hours (minutes? days?) are kind of a blur and I only had a few complete thoughts at that time. “Michael’s hands are like volcanic lava. How did they get so hot and where is the icy cloth?” “I am SO glad we decided not to videotape this.” “There are a lot of people watching me on the other side of the tub, but if I just close my eyes, they all go away...'"

    Bevin Victory
    Bevin Victory, Claire's Birth Story
  • "When we first met our midwife Terry we knew that she was the one for us. After going to a doctor for 16 weeks and only getting answers if we had questions, she poured into us that first meeting. We learned so much, and never asked a question. I mean, come on! We are first time parents; we have no clue what to ask. After being with her for a few short hours, I had no doubt about leaving the doctor and had our files transferred..."

    Kourtnie Scholz
    Kourtnie Scholz, Axle's Birth Story
  • "Terry was a great midwife! She was very knowledgeable and allowed me to birth as I wanted. Her gentle and loving approach at every appointment,as well as during labor, was exactly what we needed to welcome our baby into the world!"

    Google Review
    Google Review,


One heart, one mind, one goal; to be a blessing to you!









  • All
  • The Village



  • There is no place like HOME! Oh, to labor in the peacefulness and familiarity of your own home! No packing your house up in a suit case and hauling it to and from the birth center! No getting up a few hours after birth and driving home! You have food in your own refrigerator to eat as you please! Space to move around, walk outside, and lay in your own bed! You will need to order a pre-packed birth kit for your home birth and pull together a list of things around the house, then we will bring all of the other necessities. We offer an Herbal Bath after baby bonding time if you are up for it. This is a very relaxing, healing bath for you and baby. Dad and siblings may join as well if you like! We even throw the laundry in the Washer before we leave and pick up any mess, so your house is left the way it was when we arrived!

  • Oh my goodness, I’m pregnant! Now what?! You took a pregnancy test and it was positive! You probably won't be seen by a doctor until you are 10 to 12 weeks, that could be almost 2 months away! What do you do until then? What is okay, what is not okay? So many questions!! Bring all of those questions and concerns to this class and let me get you off to a great start with real answers, direction, and resources!! Classes are typically held on Saturday mornings, 10am – 12pm so that Dad can come too! Call to register for the next class! Class is Free! Contact Terry at 817-727-5529.

  • Birth Boot Camp's focus is helping families achieve an amazing birth. In our childbirth classes, couples learn of a wide variety of techniques to help them throughout their labor — from relaxation to position change to partner support — that can be used before resorting to pharmaceutical pain relief medication.

  • If you've had trouble conceiving, and would like a fresh look at your situation, I would love to help you overcome obstacles. Together we can pinpoint certain deficits and help improve the fertility of your body.






an insiders' perspective on the care we provide

The Birth of Genevieve

The Birth of Genevieve

Genevieve Margaret’s Exciting Entrance, the short version... I had a couple weeks of prodromal labor that was very tough mentally, plus l ...

The Birth of Claire

The Birth of Claire

Claire arrived two weeks early, but it was perfect timing. Any earlier and we would have been in the middle of moving. Any later and my mom ...

The Birth of Axle

The Birth of Axle

I think my biggest fear about giving birth was what kind of birther I would be. Would I be loud, scream, yell, cry, or sing?   I wasn't af ...

The Birth of Kaylee

The Birth of Kaylee

At 39 weeks and two days, on Tuesday, March 28, I thought I would get the ball rolling on this labor thing by doing things naturally and ab ...

The Birth of Lincoln Anthony

The Birth of Lincoln Anthony

When my husband Michael and I found out we were pregnant we were very excited! We knew we wanted to have a home birth for sure this time aro ...

A (Non-standard) Birth Story:

A (Non-standard) Birth Story:

Ok, let’s start this birth story off right, as written by none other than the daddy and father of the newborn. Get ready for an epic tale of ...



I have hand picked my favorite team! Now it's your turn, choose the services you desire!

Standard Home Birth Package

Free Consultation
  • Prenatal Care
  • Birth
  • Postpartum Care
  • Midwife
  • Heated Aqua Doula Tub
Home Birth & Doula Package

Free Consultation
  • Prenatal Care
  • Birth
  • Postpartum Care
  • Midwife
  • Heated Aqua Doula Tub
  • Doula